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What Is DayPlay?

DayPlay is our unique Dog daycare experience designed for young, energetic Dogs who benefit from exercise and play during a long workday. Dogs who have undergone our evaluation process have access to our 10,000-square-foot outdoor play area covered in clean, synthetic turf. In addition to our outside play areas, your Dog can enjoy several indoor play areas, our heated indoor pool, and additional puppy pools with full-time supervision from our trained team.

Enriching Dog Daycare Services in Parker and Littleton, CO

Do you have a playful Dog who would enjoy playing with other Dogs and our trained Staff all day? Look no further than Come Sit Stay Pet Resorts in Parker and Littleton, CO for all your Dog daycare needs. Whether you need daycare for a full day, or a half day, or want to take advantage of our Day Board option, we are here to provide your pup with the best care. Contact our friendly team about our dog daycare services and amenities.

Make Your Reservation Today!

Parker Littleton

Full-Day DayPlay Rates

DayPlay Cancellation Policy: Please call or email by 8:00 a.m. on the day of your reservation or you will be charged for that day.

A full day of DayPlay includes any period of four hours or more during regular M-F business hours. Full-day packages cannot be divided into half days.

DaysDescription1 Dog2 Dog
Days1DescriptionSingle Day of Dog Daycare1 Dog$452 Dog $85
Days10Description10 Day Package1 Dog$3902 Dog $740
Days20Description20 Day Package1 Dog$7402 Dog $1,400

Half-Day DayPlay Rates

A half day of DayPlay includes any period of four hours or less during regular M-F business hours. Half-day packages cannot be combined into full days.

DaysDescription1 Dog2 Dog
Days1DescriptionHalf Day of Dog Daycare1 Dog$302 Dog$55
Days10Description10 Half Days Package1 Dog$2302 Dog$440
Days20Description20 Half Days Package1 Dog$4402 Dog$850

*DayPlay Packages are nonrefundable.

Dog Laying with Tennis Ball

Our Day Board Option

Need your Pet out of the house for the day? Come Sit Stay Pet Resorts offers another way for your Pet to spend the day playing. We’ve added fun amenities as a great way to spoil your Pet for the day.

FOR ONLY $64 Our Day Board Guests receive:

  • One of our comfortable 4’x8′ Standard Rooms
  • Free temperament test for 1st time Guests
  • Four (4) outside playtimes w/ appropriate Group
  • Snacks (CSS or Customer Supplied) 2 x’s a day
  • Lots of love and cuddle time
  • Complimentary brush out

Make Your Reservation Today!

Parker Littleton