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Reservations and Check-In

Please call any time during business hours to make a reservation. You may bring your Pet in at any time on the day you are scheduled to check-in. To guarantee your reservation, we require a one-night deposit to hold the Room. This deposit will be applied to your Invoice at Check-Out. Please see our Cancellation Policy below.

Deposits for reservations during the Holiday Period are nonrefundable and nontransferable. CSS’s Front Desk is closed to the public on the following Holidays and will not check-in or check-out pets on these days:

  • New Years Day
  • Easter Sunday
  • Memorial Day
  • July 4
  • Labor Day
  • Thanksgiving
  • Christmas Day

Check Out

Check-out time is 10:00 a.m. for all Pets on the day of scheduled departure (See below for VIP check-out time). For Pets checking out after 10:00 a.m., $40 per Dog Room and $25 per Cat Room will be added. We are happy to release Pets to authorized people other than the Owners if the Owner cannot meet the scheduled 10:00 a.m. Check Out Time. Full Payment is due at the time of Check Out. Pets not picked up before closing will incur the same nightly Room charge for each unscheduled night’s stay.

The check-out time for our V.I.P. Boarding is 2:00 p.m. for all Pets on the day of scheduled departure (except Sundays, where our normal 10:00 a.m. check-out time will apply). Pets checking out after 2:00 p.m. will incur a $40-day charge per Dog Room. We are happy to release Pets to authorized people other than the Owners if the Owner cannot meet the scheduled 2:00 p.m. Check-Out Time. Full Payment is due at the time of Check-Out. Pets not picked up before closing will incur the same nightly Room charge for each unscheduled night’s stay.


Non-holiday deposits are refundable if the reservation is canceled 48 hours prior to the scheduled Check-In time. A refundable deposit will be refunded to a credit card. Deposits for Holiday Periods are nonrefundable, nontransferable, and will not be kept on record for future stays.

If you are unable to check-in or check-out your Pet as scheduled, you can designate another responsible person to do this for you. All payments are due prior to the Pet Checking Out and being released from CSS Facilities.

Holiday and peak-season reservations will be at full capacity. Altering existing reservations is not recommended and can only be done if space allows. Pets who are reserved during these times will be charged for the full stay if you choose to check out your pet early.

Note: Early Check-Outs during our Holiday period will be charged for the entire stay.


CSS is happy to waitlist your Pet at either of our two facilities when one facility is at full capacity. If a reservation is secured with a deposit at either CSS location, your Pet will be removed from the waitlist at the other CSS facility. Clients cannot hold a reservation with a deposit at one CSS facility and stay waitlisted at the other CSS facility. All cancellations will be treated as stated above in our Cancellation Policy.


Come Sit Stay Pet Resorts accepts Pets at twelve (12) weeks of age as long as they have at least two (2) series of their Bordetella and Distemper vaccinations. All Pets must meet our Vaccination Requirements. Vaccination records can be emailed to our Parker or Littleton location.

Collars and Personal Items

All pets are fitted with a disposable collar during their stay for easy identification and safety purposes. We do not keep leashes or collars. We are not responsible for items left at Check-In or Check-Out. Come Sit Stay Pet Resorts provides all pets with fleece beds and a toy. We cannot accept any stuffed toys, stuffed bedding, tennis balls, rope toys, or flat Nyla Bones. A flatbed or blanket is acceptable. You may leave one durable chew toy. Please label all Pet belongings with the Pet’s first and last name. CSS cannot guarantee that personal items will be returned, so please do not bring items that are not replaceable.


To reduce digestive upset we encourage owners to bring their Pet’s normal food. Please bring only enough pre-measured food to cover your Pet’s entire stay. Please label the food container with your Pet’s name and feeding amount. Please do not bring bowls, scoops, or cups. If you prefer, or if you forget your Pet’s food, Come Sit Stay Pet Resorts will provide high-quality, age-specific food for $9.00 per day.

CSS feeds twice a day. A $9.00 surcharge will be added for any Pet who requires more than two feedings per day over the age of six (6) months. For Dogs that need to be fed separately, CSS suggests purchasing separate rooms as we cannot guarantee your Dogs will be separated at feeding.


Come Sit Stay Pet Resorts Staff are happy to administer any veterinarian-prescribed medications your Pet requires, with the exception of injections. Please make sure to tell our staff when making a reservation that your Pet will need medication. As required by the USDA, medications must be brought in their original container from the vet or pharmacy and be clearly labeled with your Pet’s name, veterinarian contact info, and dosage. There is no charge for administering prescribed medication with the exception of medicated baths. Nonprescribed medications, supplements, ointments, etc. will incur a $9.00 per day charge unless these supplements are included in individual baggies along with the Pet’s food. CSS cannot guarantee that the Pet will ingest them, however.

CSS reserves the right to refuse any Pet that is not up to date on vaccinations or shows signs of illness or injury. Any Pet that shows evidence of fleas or ticks will be given a medicated bath at the owner’s expense.

Elder Care

Come Sit Stay Pet Resorts have your Pet’s best interest in mind. It is important to us that we can provide the best care for your Pet. As a Pet age, the risks while Boarding increase; therefore, CSS does not accept new Pets 12 years or older (NOTE: Littleton Location is 10 years or older). All Guests 9 – 11 years of age will be asked a series of questions to determine their eligibility for overnight boarding.

  • Is your Pet independently mobile?
  • Does your Pet have any debilitating medical conditions?
  • Does your Pet have incontinence issues?
  • Does your Pet have any special needs?

If your Pet does not meet any of the above criteria, CSS recommends a pet sitter or medical board for your Pet.

Rescue, Shelter, Foster Pets

Because the stress of relocating to a new home on top of kenneling can affect a Dog’s immune system, CSS requires a 10-day waiting period for Boarding or DayPlay for Dogs coming from these types of organizations. This policy is in place to help ensure that Dogs are healthy and not incubating any contagious diseases.

Veterinary Care

If any Pet needs emergency medical attention CSS reserves the right to transport the animal to a veterinarian of its choice and/or administer medicine and/or give other advisable attention within CSS’s reasonable and sole discretion and judgment at the owner’s expense.

Make Your Reservation Today!

Parker Littleton