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CSS requires an evaluation prior to admission into our Doggie Daycare Program. Please use our Online Reservation Portal or call us to schedule a free half-day (for 1st-time clients) Daycare visit for an evaluation to make sure your Dog fits well with the normal Daycare pack. Also, refer to our Vaccination Policy for vaccine requirements.


CSS does not provide meals to Daycare Guests over six months of age. A $9.00 charge will apply to any Guests that require a meal. We will provide all toys, please do not bring personal toys. We do not allow collars on Daycare Guests, all collars will be returned to owners upon Check-In. Our staff can administer the required medications. In the event of a medical emergency that requires that the Dog be removed from Daycare, we will notify the owner as soon as possible. Come Sit Stay Pet Resorts reserves the right to transport any Dog to a veterinarian of our choice for emergency medical attention, at the owner’s expense.

While in DayPlay, your Dog will be commingled with other Dogs. Because of the nature of commingled play, your Dog may get scratches, cuts, bruises, or other minor injuries in the course of such play. CSS is not responsible for such injuries. We do not allow fighting, mounting, or other inappropriate behaviors, and train our Staff to avoid and stop any such behavior. We are not able to prevent every instance of inappropriate behavior, though we do our best to ensure a safe and happy play environment for all of our Guests.

DayPlay is geared toward young, energetic Dogs and is not recommended for Dogs ten (10) years of age or older. All Dogs six (6) months or older must be neutered or spayed.

Because your Dog commingles with other Dogs, colds, flu, and other illnesses may be transmitted despite our best efforts to remove and isolate any symptomatic Dogs, and our best efforts to maintain the cleanest possible play area. We are not responsible if your dog catches a cold or flu while with us. We’d like you to know that we do our best to keep all dogs in our care as healthy as possible.

Cancellation Policy

To prevent being charged for a reservation that you cannot keep, you must cancel that reservation no later than 8:00 a.m. the morning of the reservation.

DayPlay Package days do not expire, therefore, they are nonrefundable.

Daycare Hours

You may drop your Dog off any time after 6:30 a.m. Monday to Friday. Please pick your Dog up by 6:15 p.m. We do not offer Daycare on weekends or holidays. A half day of Daycare is any time period up to 4 hours. Dogs not picked up by 6:30 p.m. will be kept overnight and you will be charged full price for an overnight boarding stay at our lowest available rate.

Sign Up

All Daycare reservations must be made in advance. Use our Online Reservation Portal or call us directly at 720-851-7829 for Parker or 720-382-7659 for Littleton at least 24-48 hours in advance to book your reservation. An email confirmation will be sent upon completion of your Daycare reservation.

Make Your Reservation Today!

Parker Littleton