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Portrait of German shepherd

Dog Training Guests generally fall under the same policies as our Overnight Guests. Click here to read our Overnight Policies.

Check-In and Check-Out

Dog Training Guests must check in by 6:00 p.m. on the day of your reservation. A check-out appointment time must be scheduled in order to meet with the trainer to go over what your Dog learned while training.

Follow-Up Lessons

Each 3-week package includes three private follow-up lessons. You may schedule those lessons when you check in with your Dog. One of them must be conducted upon Check-Out. The other two must be completed within one month. We find that our clients do best when those lessons are conducted about a week apart.

Dog Training Equipment

We sell high-quality Dog training equipment in our Pro Shop. We find that customers who purchase recommended training equipment maintain their Dog’s training better than those who don’t. No need to buy it from CSS, but we try to make it convenient for our customers to succeed.

Make Your Reservation Today!

Parker Littleton