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Aerial view of facility

Custom Designed for Your Pet’s Comfort

Our 11,000 sq ft facility was professionally designed from the ground up to promote exercise and interaction with our Guests to reduce homesickness and stress. Our Guest Rooms are clean, modern, and spacious, with four different price ranges available. The floor plan is designed to provide privacy and psychological security while reducing noise. This means increased relaxation for your pet and more peace of mind for you. Additionally, our Guest Rooms have access to natural daylight year-round with numerous skylights as well as great natural airflow when temperatures allow.

We have over 10,000 square feet of outdoor play areas with hygienic artificial grass for your pets to play on. We have several outdoor yards for dogs of different sizes, energy levels, and social needs. Each is securely fenced for your Pet’s safety and security. pets are always attended in play yards.

Two Convenient Locations

Come Sit Stay Pet Resort is an All Inclusive Resort that is locally owned and operated, with two locations to serve you.

Meet the Parker Team
Meet the Littleton Team
outdoor play areas with dogs

Good Clean Fun!

Come Sit Stay Pet Resorts have unmatched exercise areas, with over 4,500 sq ft of indoor play areas. We have over 10,000 sq ft of outdoor play area surfaced in synthetic turf, which provides a mud-free, safe, and soft play area for Pets. Your Dog will return home clean and happy. Our custom-designed facility also offers a heated indoor/outdoor Pet Pool, making swims available year-round for our guests who like to play in the water.

Safety and Comfort

Come Sit Stay Pet Resorts have specially designed Dog training areas, play areas, and space to house Cats and Exotic animals. Our facility is safe and secure, with 24-hour fire monitoring and a full sprinkler system, as well as a security system. Our entire facility was designed by professional Dog trainers to ensure a safe, fun, and clean environment for your pet, so you can go on vacation guilt-free. Our year-round climate control system ensures your pet stays comfortable at all times.

Make Your Reservation Today!

Parker Littleton